Mar 24, 2014

Fixed: Windows is unable to install to the selected location on SSD drive - 0x80300024


I was trying to have dual boot: Hackintosh and Windows 7, and the Windows installer throw it into my face:

Windows is unable to install to the selected location. Error 0x80300024

My setup is on my SSD – 1 partition as Mac OS X Extended (Journaled) and one as MS-DOS (FAT). The boot is using GUID partition map.

I did a simple Google search and the simplest solution that I found is to just unplug any other hard drive that you may have, and keep only the one that you want to have dual boot.  After that try again with your dual boot process.

It works, voila ! Simple and easy.

Mar 14, 2014

attribute x-webkit-speech deprecated aka the Voice Driven Web Apps saga begins


Today when debugging my web, I saw this messing in the console:

The 'x-webkit-speech' input field attribute is deprecated. Please use the JavaScript API instead.
Ok I used the Chrome feature on one of my textboxes:
<input id="q" x-webkit-speech="" onwebkitspeechchange="transcribe(this.value);" placeholder="Enter search term" name="q" onfocus="if(this.value=='Enter search term') this.value = '';" onblur="if (this.value=='' ) this.value = 'Enter search term';" type="text" maxlength="100" value="" autocomplete="off">
It is to create this effect:


You can try it yourself (if you’re on Chrome):

So, Google is deprecating x-webkit-speech feature on Chrome/Chromium. What’s next ? Using Javascript speech API or HTML5? Welcome to the new saga.

Anyway, if you’re interested, continue to read on at

Mar 13, 2014

How to change country in AppStore on iPhone / iPad/ iTunes


There are chances that the app you are looking for is only available in certain country. So you’ll need to switch the country of your AppStore.
In fact, this question is so popular asked (Let Me Google It For You : , but not many answer with intuitive steps. So I take it for myself.

A. On iPhone / iPad (running iOS 7)

1. Tap on the App Store icon in your Home Screen, open it

2. Tap on Featured on the bottom left corner of screen.

3. Scroll all the way to the bottom where your Apple ID info is. Tap on it.


4. Tap View Apple ID, you may have to enter your password.


5. Once the page loads, tap on Country/Region and change your country/region to the country of your choice.



6. Now you can find the app that is available only in certain country


B. On iTunes  (Mac / PC)

1. Open iTunes


2. Scroll to the bottom right of iTunes, click on the flag icon


3. You’ll be able to change the region/country:


4. Once it’s finished, you can find the app that is available only in certain country:


Mar 11, 2014

Web developer: conform to W3C standards or you’ll shoot yourself (or someone else) in the foot

During debug and bug fixing, I encounter the code written by someone else where they had “<div>  nested inside <span>”.  Sound familiar ?
1. Problem: We are facing  the wrongly rendered webpage (full size screenshot)1
2. Root cause: According to HTML standard:  : Generally, inline elements may contain only data and other inline elements
3. Analysis & solution:
Bad code:  block element (<div>, <li>,  <p>) is inside inline element (<span/>)
   1:  <span>
   2:      <div class="Guideline" id="PG0716A073204">
   3:          <li style="font-weight: bold">Prescribing Guidelines:
   4:          </li>
   5:          <p>Treatment with HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors.
   6:          </p>
   7:      </div>
   8:  </span>

Fixed code:  convert block element to inline element and use CSS for styling, conform to HTML standards

   1:  <span>
   2:      <span class="Guideline" id="PG0716A073204">
   3:          <span style="font-weight: bold">Prescribing Guidelines:
   4:          </span>
   5:          <span>Treatment with HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors.
   6:          </span>
   7:      </div>
   8:  </span>

4. Results: the webpage is render properly now (screenshot)

So, lesson learnt. As modern browser tend to enforce W3C standards more strict, web developers MUST understand and learn them.

To ensure your web is conforming to standards, try out :  it